
News Stories

Terry Fox Activities at Guardian Angels


We are proud to be participating in a number of Terry Fox activities at Guardian Angels C.E.S.

This year, the Terry Fox Foundation highlights Terry’s Métis heritage. Terry’s grandmother was Métis. The Métis people created beautiful beaded floral artwork. This year, in addition to our annual walk on Wednesday September 29, 2021, all students will participate in a beading activity ... Continue reading "Terry Fox Activities at Guardian Angels"

Servant Leadership

 Maya and Bianca, Grade 5s from Guardian Angels Catholic Elementary School decided to encourage community spirit and engagement by raising money for mental health support for children who are suffering during the pandemic. They decided to start a jewelry beading company called Mimi & Bibi Co (Instagram name mimiandbibi_co). They are raising money to donated a large portion of the proceeds towards KIDS HELP PHONE. ... Continue reading "Servant Leadership"

Orange Shirt Day – September 30, 2020

WHAT IS ​ORANGE ​SHIRT DAY? Orange Shirt Day was inspired by the experience and story of Phyllis Webstad whose shiny new orange shirt was taken away on her first day of residential school. Her story and Orange Shirt Day has become an opportunity to keep the discussion on all aspects of residential schools happening annually.

HOW CAN WE SUPPORT ​ORANGE ​SHIRT DAY? Orange ... Continue reading "Orange Shirt Day – September 30, 2020"