
News Stories

Fall Scholastic Book Fair is Coming

The Scholastic Bookfair is returning to Guardian Angels School next week.  From November 14 -November 18 classes will be visiting the book fair during their library time.  The Book Fair is also open until 3 pm for after-school visits as well as during Parent/Teacher Interviews on Nov. 17, 3-8 pm, and Nov. 18 8:30-11 am See you then!   Thank you for supporting our school. ... Continue reading "Fall Scholastic Book Fair is Coming"

Remembrance Day

On Remembrance Day, we honor those who gave their lives to serve our country.  By remembering, we pay tribute to members of the Canadian Armed Forces and RCMP who served to defend our values and freedoms. We also honor those who continue to serve our country today. The students and staff will be gathering together on Friday, November 11, 2022, at 10:15 a.m. in our ... Continue reading "Remembrance Day"

Thanksgiving Food Drive- October 3-7

Our Luke 4:18 student team has been hard at work preparing for our Thanksgiving Food Drive. From October 3-7, 2022 we will be collecting non-perishable food items in support of the Vaughan Food Bank. For your convenience, collection bins will be placed at the front entrance of the school and families are invited to place donations in the bins. Thank you in advance for your ... Continue reading "Thanksgiving Food Drive- October 3-7"