
News Stories

Social Media and Online Safety for Parents

Please join us for an informative evening with Mr. Paul Davis in the Guardian Angels gym on Thursday, January 26, 2023, at 7:00 p.m.  He will be reviewing privacy, online safety, Snapchat, Tik Tok, digital trails, cyberbullying, and image sharing.  As technology is constantly evolving and changing, this helpful presentation will assist us in protecting children and teens online.

Computer Education Week at GNA

Computer Science Education Week takes place from December 5th to 9th. The Hour of Code occurs each year during Computer Science Education week and has become a worldwide initiative to celebrate computer science. .  Hour of Code is one initiative that will help provide students an opportunity to be inspired to create through coding.  Mrs. Mazza, our teacher librarian,  will be continuing coding activities in ... Continue reading "Computer Education Week at GNA"

Active School Travel Challenge

It’s December,  a class contest is being held. The class that has the highest active /sustainable school travel rate during the month of December will be awarded a pizza party. The contest runs from Dec 1 – Dec 22. What does this mean? It means all students are encouraged to walk, bike, scooter, skateboard or ride the bus to and from school as often as ... Continue reading "Active School Travel Challenge"

EQAO Results for 2021-2022- Grade 3 and 6

Please see the following table that outlines our EQAO test results for the 2021-2022 school year.  Both our grade 3 and our grade 6 students at Guardian Angels performed higher than both the provincial and Board averages in all three categories; reading, writing, and mathematics.  Individual student results were sent home for parents to review.

Way to go Guardian Angels! ... Continue reading "EQAO Results for 2021-2022- Grade 3 and 6"

Spook-a-thon Top Sellers and Draw Winners

Thank you to all of the families who supported our Fall Spook-a-thon.   Through your generosity and support, we will provide students with extra advantages such as outdoor basketball hoops, pavement games,  shade structures, and play equipment.  Additionally, we will replace outdated laptops and Smart Boards, as well as add to our Robotics and Stream equipment.  A final breakdown of the totals will be communicated later ... Continue reading "Spook-a-thon Top Sellers and Draw Winners"