
News Stories

CSC First Meeting & Election Nominations

Guardian Angel’s 2018-2019 Catholic School Council Members extend an invitation to members of our parent school community to consider becoming a member of Council.  Becoming a member provides an exciting opportunity; members learn about and actively support the faith development, academic , social, emotional development and well-being of all students. A Catholic School Council Nomination Form is attached in the newsletter for your additional reference. ... Continue reading "CSC First Meeting & Election Nominations"

The Lice Crew

On Monday, May 14th, a private company named The Lice Crew will be coming into the school to conduct lice checks on all students who have provided permission. A letter was sent and please insure that it is returned to school if you DO NOT wish your child to be checked. Please note that a lice infestation can only be managed if all outbreaks are ... Continue reading "The Lice Crew"

Animals on School Property


For the safety of our students, parents, guardians and staff, please do not bring pets on school property during the school day, most especially when you are picking up or dropping off students. Several students have severe allergies and animals may be unpredictable when confronted by a group of children. Also, no pets are allowed on school property during school sanctioned events. ... Continue reading "Animals on School Property"

Safety Procedures for the GNA Drop off and Pick Up of Students

Safety Procedures at GNA for Pick Up and Drop Off

Parents and community members, kindly review the attached information for safety procedures in our pick up and drop off zones here at GNA. The safety of all of our students is a community effort to follow the procedures in place. Thank you for your ongoing support!


... Continue reading "Safety Procedures for the GNA Drop off and Pick Up of Students"

Help us keep GNA allergy safe!

Thank you for making sure that certain foods are not sent to school so we can work together to keep our students with life threatening allergies safe. Kindly continue to check food products, especially breads, for nut, seed and legume ingredients. Some “healthier” breads contain seeds and nut products that pose a serious threat to our students with allergies.