Month: August 2022

Guardian Angels CES Allergy Awareness Plan 2022-2023

School staff and parents are responsible for creating safe and healthy environments for students within the limits created by legislation, school configuration, number of students with allergies, and available school staff.  Attendance by children with life-threatening food allergies presents an additional challenge to schools.  For some children, severe allergic reactions can be triggered not only by eating foods, but also by their touch and smell.  ... Continue reading "Guardian Angels CES Allergy Awareness Plan 2022-2023"

COVID-19 Health and Safety Measures

The York Catholic District School Board worked closely with its partners at the Ministry of Education, York Region Public Health, and with Board staff to prepare for the return to school in September. By aligning our practices with their guidance, we are confident our schools will continue to be safe, inclusive places to learn and work throughout the 2022-2023 school year.

... Continue reading "COVID-19 Health and Safety Measures"